My name is Silvia and I am an Italian Linguist.
I was born and brought up in Italy in the beautiful island of Sardinia and from a very young age my biggest dream was travelling the world, meeting new people and learning new languages and cultures.
At the age of sixteen I moved to the States and lived there for a whole year. After achieving an American High school diploma I went on a coast to coast trip and got caught by the travel bug.
After a BAhons in Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Cagliari, a scholarship in Aarhus, Denmark and a brief stay in Germany, I took what was meant to be a year break to travel while working in the airline industry. However, 12 years later I was still living the dream of discovering new parts of the world while working as a flight attendant.
I travelled widely across Europe first and then across the rest of the world experiencing first-hand how your culture, traditions, lifestyle, habits that you learn from the people you live and interact with, determine the nature of the way you think, and also shapes the way you talk.
I therefore decided to embark on a new adventure and started a MSc degree in Scientific, Medical and Technical Translations with Translation Technology at The Imperial College in London. This was an amazing journey that strengthen my passion for languages and my belief that bilingualism especially from a young age is very important in enhancing and developing cognitive ability.
I am now married, my husband is also Italian and perfectly bilingual. I have two children who are also being brought up bilingual. As a mum now but also as a linguist, language tutor, iterpreter and translator, I truly believe that the best way of learning a language is through passion, immersion and a positive spirit and this is why I created LINGUAdeFINA.
I have studied all the major teaching methods and styles and as a language tutor I always seek to understand individual needs and objectives. I value the importance of my students' personal experience and knowledge and I believe live and personalised communication is at the base of my teaching style at LINGUAdeFINA: a communicative and TPR approach.
Language learning comes through communicating real meaning and interaction. To effectively achieve this, during my sessions all types of resources , from games to music, textbooks, videos and audio tracks and much more are utilised in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.
We provide multiple courses including online tutoring, that strengthen basic and advanced language skills. Our courses are tailored to you and we feature a wide range of programmes taught by an experienced tutor. Yes, we know how challenging it can be to learn a language; sometimes you just need a break. That's all right with us, provided you come back.